Public Interest for Whistleblowing Case on Breach of Contract

As of  25 June 2013 , under S.43B (1) of the Employment Rights Act 1996, public interest disclosures had to be “in the public interest” to qualify for protection. In Parkins v Sodexho Ltd the Employment Appeal Tribunal’s (EAT) ruling was reversed due to the ‘in the public
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Plumber’s Win Marks New Victory Against Gig Economy Discrimination

A recent ruling saw a plumber win a case being regarded as the greatest victory yet in a gig economy tribunal hearing.
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Zero Tolerance No Substitute for Individual Consideration

Individual cases can sometimes dictate legal outcomes. In one case, a worker who lost his job following an angry office incident succeeded in his unfair dismissal claim.
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Is Type 2 Diabetes a Disability? Employment Appeal Tribunal Considers

The definition of 'disability' in employment can be controversial. This was highlighted in a case concerning a type 2 diabetes sufferer.
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When Do Cumulative Medical Conditions Amount to Disability?

Employment law for disability can often be unclear, as experienced in a recent tribunal case by a man who suffers from multiple disabilities.
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